Stand Out works! And now it works even better!
Built from the standards necessary for adult English learners, the second edition of Stand Out gives students the foundation and tools they need to develop confidence and become independent, lifelong learners.
* Student Books integrate language development, life skills, and real world project activities in an exciting, colorful, easy to use format.
* Ground breaking Lesson Planners take the guesswork out of meeting the standards while offering high-interest, meaningful language activities, and three levels of pacing for each book.
* Team Projects present motivating cross ability activities which group learners of different levels together to complete a task that applies the unit objective.
* Grammar instruction is included and integrated in every lesson, and Grammar Challenge, workbooks are directly aligned to the student book and take the Stand Out approach. Online grammar practice is also available through Grammar Caf?.
* Reading & Writing Challenge workbooks offer additional reading and writing skills development and practice streamlined option for enhancing your Stand Out curriculum.
* Split editions with a pre unit or bridge lesson allow students to transition seamlessly throughout the program.
* Pronunciation activities are included in each lesson and students can practice more pronunciation by using the Online Speaking Labs alongside Stand Out.
* Activity Bank CD-ROM (included in Lesson Planner) includes multilevel worksheets for each lesson.
* Assessment CD-ROM with Exam View? allows teachers to create, customize, and correct tests and quizzes quickly and easily.
- ISBN:9781424009558
- 規格:平裝 / 99頁 / 27.6 x 21.6 x 0.5 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:台灣
- 本書分類:> >
相信美食的力量是龐大的,到底有多龐大,小編今天是第一次見到了。今天是小編相親的日子,本來我是想自談的,結果家裡都說我不小了,非讓我去相親,我怕相親沒有共同話題,可是迫於婚姻不透的原因,我今年已經26了,怕再大就難遇到合適的人了,我就抱著試試的態度去了。結果看到第一眼大家印象都挺好的,就決定去吃頓飯,本來我是說啥都不去的,但是媒人說不去吃飯意思就是以後不聯繫了,無奈,我就跟著去吃飯了。結果媒人半途有事走了,讓我跟男方我倆吃飯,他帶我去了一個飯店,看著挺高檔,點菜的時候,我讓他隨意點,他非讓我隨意點,結果我就相信第一頓飯,就點了4菜1湯,男的看起來還挺高興的,也沒啥變化,意外的是,到快吃完的時候,男的藉口去廁所,我等了好久都沒回來,最後我等了半個小時,最後只能確定他藉口去廁所跑了,還沒見過這樣的男人,最丟人的一次相親了,去看看我都點了什麼菜,他至於跑嗎? ... 首先這是我點的一份湯,蟹煲,說真的,小編覺得這湯挺好喝的,出於,怕南方認為我沒見過世面,我就點了幾個比較有特色的菜。結果吃完見人心啊!再去看看我點的菜吧! ... 咖喱螃蟹,這是我點的菜,說真的愛吃螃蟹沒有錯,我就是點了4份螃蟹,而且我覺得螃蟹好吃,各種口味聚在一起,是一種享受,去看看我點的其它螃蟹吧! ... 辣味蟹,這種螃蟹味道最棒了,不僅好吃而且辣到好處,2個幾乎不夠我一個人吃! ... 酸甜焗螃蟹,這個是特殊的口味的,吃起來很過癮,一盤2個,一人一個,吃著跟男方交流著各種口味的螃蟹,吃著如何好,結果男的吃著也不客氣,吃完卻客氣的跑了! ... 奶油焗螃蟹,相信很多人都沒吃過這種螃蟹,為了讓男方了解更多的美味螃蟹,我可是每道菜只點了2隻螃蟹,一共加起來也不就是9隻螃蟹嗎?結果他竟然吃完跑掉,這樣的男人你倒是直說大家AA算了,要不就誰點誰結帳也可以,但是這樣吃完就跑的男人,大家見過嗎?
二水白天沒精神看什麼科 芬園四肢麻痺改善中醫診所 網友都推薦的溪湖中醫診所,自律神經失調改善很多大葉大學附近推薦血壓不穩定治療中醫 二林恐慌看什麼科 ptt推薦的溪湖中醫診所,睡眠障礙改善很多芬園頸部緊繃酸痛治療中醫 員林肌肉、關節莫名痛中醫推薦 ptt推薦的彰化中醫診所,睡眠障礙改善很多埔里自律神經失調治療中醫 鹿港耳鳴治療有效中醫診所 網友都推薦到這間溪湖中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多